Visualizer View Tester


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Test Results: (This will be updated regularly.)I suspect these version 6.0 failures were caused by me not updating permissions.They should work on the majority of the files now.Galaxy S7 6.0 (heroqltevzw) fails to initialize - 1 reportNexus 5X 6.0 (bullhead) fails to initialize - 2 reports
Motorola 4.1.2 DROID RAZR Verizon All tests work - 1 reportsamsung 5.0 SM-G900P samsung (kltespr) 5) Mono m4a > 40 sec fails - 1 report 6) Mono mp3 > 40 sec fails - 1 reportsamsung 5.0 SM-G900V Verizon (kltevzw) 5) Mono m4a > 40 sec fails - 2 reports 6) Mono mp3 > 40 sec fails - 2 reportssamsung 6.0.1 SM-G900V Verizon (kltevzw) 5) Mono m4a > 40 sec fails - 1 report 6) Mono mp3 > 40 sec fails - 1 report
When Visualizer View works you see a bouncing line that reflects the song. When it fails you see a straight line.
The test results are: "works" This configuration shows the bouncing line. Other tests may fail. "fails" This configuration shows a straight line. Other tests may work. "fails to initialize" The song plays but the visualizer is not going to work for any test. "Audio fails" Nothing works.
There are dozens of apps that use Visualizer View and nearly all of them state that it might not work on your phone. I have submitted an issue that defines the problem. The problem (in my narrow view) is Visualizer View fails on Samsung S5 if the song is longer than 40 seconds AND song is mp3 or m4a AND song is mono. It works on a Motorola DROID RAZR model 4.1.2. It works on a Samsung S5 at any length if song is mp3 or m4a AND song is Stereo. It works at any length if wav or ogg as Stereo or Mono. It doesn't seem to matter if the sample rate is 22050, 24000, 44100, or 48000. Thus it is not related to file size. I have heard (but not witnessed) that it runs on a Samsung S5 with a T-Mobile carrier. I am on Verizon. Is it carrier related? Does Nexus on Verizon fail as well?
This app is not for entertainment unless you enjoy the first section of "Bach's Minute in G".There are 16 tests that cover all combinations with m4a, mp3, wav, ogg formats, with mono, or stereo channels, with lengths of 39.9, or 40.1 seconds.The seventeenth test is in midi format and has the entire song, not just the first section.And the last test is where you download a song of your choice, format, sample rate, channels.
My hope is you will share or post the results. The Share option places the results in a gmail and addresses it to me. If you send your results to me, I will include them at the top of this description.